This article really hit home for me. I've never been much of a soda drinker, let alone diet soda yet I find so, so many people are and it's starting to get scary what this additive does to your body. What concerns me the most is that so many families do not understand that this product is found EVERYWHERE in the grocery store, and the effects of it are devastating especially to young children. There are thousands of case studies over the last 15 years to the FDA of the effects of Aspartame, yet the FDA still deems it "safe" and usable for consumption. Now, you tell me is something that can cause DEATH be deemed "safe"?
Just some of the products containing Aspartame: Children's Mulit-Vitamin's (WHY)?; Sugar Free Kool-aid, fruit juice, cookies, ice cream, basically folks anything that say's SUGAR FREE has some sort of ARTIFICIAL sweetener in it and these sweetener's all containing chemicals that make up the sweetener's themselves. Do you know how Aspartame was found? Accidentally. Yes, accidentally.
"Aspartame was discovered in 1965 by James M. Schlatter, a chemist working for G.D. Searle & Company. Schlatter had synthesized aspartame in the course of producing an antiulcer drug candidate. He accidentally discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become contaminated with aspartame.[16] Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into natural residual components, including aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol,[25] and further breakdown products including formaldehyde[26] and formic acid, accumulation of the latter being suspected as the major cause of injury in methanol poisoning. Human studies show that formic acid is excreted faster than it is formed after ingestion of aspartate. In some fruit juices, higher concentrations of methanol can be found than the amount produced from aspartame in beverages.[12]~Wikipedia
Now, you can go and do the research yourself, but the bottom line is if you're ingesting this even just a couple time's a week, I would recommend listening to your body, and the symptoms you may be having and not even realizing that you could be poisoning yourself, or your family.
The scary thing is what the FDA is allowing, despite all of the case studies! If you or any of your family are having any of the symptoms as stated in the article, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE detox yourself and take everything back to the store you bought it from and tell them that this product is making you SICK. They will have to send the product back to the manufacture stating what you told them and they will get a refund for it, and in turn sending a message to the manufactures of this POISON that WE will NOT be purchasing things with ASPARTAME in it for ourselves or our families!!
The ABC of Immunology (6)
3 days ago
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